*Tuition and Registration Fees are subject to change.
Tuition is due at the beginning of each month. Tuition may be paid online on our website Communitypreschool.net. If paying with cash, please have the correct amount, and place in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name in the tuition box. Receipts will be sent home by the following week.
If payment is not made for the current month a $20.00 late fee will be incurred. If payments fall a month behind, your child will not be admitted until the account is paid in full.
If a check is returned for insufficient funds, a $25.00 charge will be assessed. All future tuition payments will only be accepted in the form of cash credit card or money order.
Community Preschool building hours: 7:50am-3:10pm. A late fee of $1.00 per minute will be charged when a child is picked up after 3:10 pm. This fee will be added to your account. The annual Registration Fee is non-refundable.
Community Preschool is now accepting CCDF vouchers for tuition assistance. Please ask if you would like more information on this.
Community Preschool follows the North Newton school calendar and will follow Lincoln Elementary for delays and school closures. There will be no tuition assessed for two weeks at Christmas and one week of Spring Break.
A two-week written withdrawal notice is required when removing your child from Community Preschool. If proper notice is not received, your account will be charged accordingly.
Any changes in this agreement must be approved by the Lead teacher.